Massage Therapy

Revive your mind and your body

Relaxation Therapy:

This gentle full-body massage is perfect for those who are new to massage, need to relax, or enjoy a soft touch. Pain is relieved during this massage as stress is alleviated and circulation is improved. Relaxation massage facilitates the release of muscular knots and is an excellent option for complete relaxation of mind and body.

There are many benefits of a Relaxation Massage including better circulation, reduced tension in the muscles, and a better quality of sleep.

Improved circulation: Circulating blood flow removes toxins from the body, tightens the skin, and improves its appearance.

Reduced muscle tension and fatigue: Gentle but firm pressure is used to dissipate tension that has built up over time from situations such as sitting at a desk for long periods of time.

Muscle fatigue caused by the overuse of muscles from exercise can be improved with relaxation massage. Stroking movements are used to remove the build-up of lactic acid relieving discomfort.

Better Sleep: Relieving the mind and body from stress and reducing pain from muscle tension and fatigue helps you fall asleep quickly and to stay asleep for a longer period. The calmness that is achieved from relaxation massage creates an opportunity for a deep, quality sleep.

60 minutes – $145

90 minutes – $200



Therapeutic Massage:

A therapeutic massage achieves many of the benefits that a relaxation massage does such as promoting calmness and relaxation, better sleep, and improved circulation. However, a therapeutic massage also aims to treat muscle conditions and injuries such as mobility issues and pain.

Pain relief: Therapeutic massage is used to treat pain that is caused by injury, health conditions, and the overuse of muscles from exercise and sports. By stimulating blood flow and reducing inflammation, the muscles are able to heal quickly and are relieved of pain.

Better mobility: The release of muscle tension helps to improve muscle movement leading to injury prevention. Muscle mobility is extremely important for your joints to stay strong and stable.

60 minutes – $145

90 minutes – $200



Deep Tissue Massage:

Unlike Relaxation Massage, the Deep Tissue Massage applies pressure and aims to treat issues related to the muscles by using slow strokes and firm pressure to release stress from the deepest layers of your muscles and fascia (connective tissue). This massage reduces stress and tension and promotes serotonin production promoting happiness.

Deep Tissue Massage works by breaking down muscle adhesions, a condition which occurs when collagen fibers bond to adjacent tissue. These adhesions block circulation and cause issues with mobility and inflammation. Breaking down these adhesions restore the body, relieving pain and increasing muscle movement.

Although still relaxing for most people, the Deep Tissue Massage may cause discomfort for some as it is quite intense. To avoid being too sore the next day, It is important to drink plenty of water after the massage to help flush the lactic acid from your body. Some soreness may still occur for a day or two after, but this just means that a lot of toxins were flushed out of your body.

60 minutes – $145

90 minutes – $200